Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Less...? (Updated)

    If you have yet to see my current project, Justin's Aerophone Adventure, you can check it out at I have been playing with the formula and have changed a bit... it is now slightly faster... not by much... I think it ultimately gives a stronger idea of what I was going for while not focusing on how slow my thought process is. I like that things are kept more or less the same also... audio-wise I mean. It doesn't come off as cartoonish but I think more respectful of the time of each episode. I also added a basic music track... which I have since deleted. It was something I was trying and so it didn't get in the way of my instrument, I had to make it so quiet that you wouldn't really hear it without headphones. I'd still like something to fill the silence but due to the nature of the videos, I may just have to skip it. I have considered something more atmospheric or percussive.... but I'm not sure that'll work either... I may have to give it a try when I'm editing sometime. What I have done is add a second camera angle which looks at the device and my fingers while playing but it's not something anyone's gonna see for another week or so... I do think it'll work but we'll have to wait and find out. I'm also considering doing fewer episodes per week... right now I'm aiming for five from M-F, although editing issues only had me doing four, which was upsetting... I'm considering pulling back to three and doing one every Monday-Wednesday-Friday... I think a smaller schedule would actually help by giving me time to breathe and work on each episode more... maybe then I won't burn myself out before having a chance to grow. I know the odds are stacked against me here... and doing less feels wrong in certain ways but there is wisdom in spacing it out too. I also want to learn the instrument and new material for it... I don't know... I'm thinking it over... it'd probably be better to start now... but right now I have new episodes M-F through Aug 21st and I plan to continue that for the next week after that... we'll see what happens next. Thanks for joining me while I talk it out! Remember to check out the videos at Take care and I'll be seeing you! ~ Justin



        I am strongly considering changing the series from 5 days a week to 3 days a week. I haven't finalized the plans but I see more pros than cons for it right now! So unless a compelling argument is made, in a few weeks I am currently planning to make the switch. Of course a slight format change will be in order and I am currently thinking that through now.

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